
Entries by admin

Imperial Tobacco, Imasco, and the Smuggling of Cigarettes into Canada

Introduction On Dec. 21st, 1999, the Canadian federal government announced that it had filed a civil suit, under the United States Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, against Canada’s No. 3 cigarette company, RJR-Macdonald (now JTI-Macdonald), the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers’ Council (CTMC), the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and various related companies. This suit stems from allegations...

The Tobacco Industry and Youth Smoking

 A brief to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources                                                   Presented by Francis Thompson                                                                     Policy Analyst                                                                     June 8th, 2000    One of the important aspects of Bill S-20 is that it puts the tobacco industry’s publicly stated position on youth smoking to the test. As you all know, the industry has consistently claimed that it is...

Tobacco insider talks: major firms were deeply involved in cross-border smuggling, former executive says

Feb. 24, 1999, was not a banner day for Les Thompson. Arrested by U.S. Customs agents in the Ontario city of Windsor, cuffed and thrown into jail, the RJR-Macdonald sales executive suddenly became the slick, hard-driving, unscrupulous face of big tobacco. U.S. prosecutors claimed they had nabbed the man behind a billion-dollar tobacco-smuggling network that...

Recovering tobacco-caused public expenditures from the tobacco industry: options for provincial governments

RECOVERING TOBACCO-CAUSED PUBLIC EXPENDITURES FROM THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY: Options for Provincial Governments Eric LeGresley, Legal Counsel Smoking and Health Action Foundation March, 1998 RATIONALE FOR COST RECOVERY Cost recovery is about fairness. Government of Canada studies calculate tobacco-caused losses for Canadian society at $15 billion per annum,(1) and combined federal and provincial tobacco taxes at only about $3.5 billion. Quite...

Legislation: A Key Component of a Comprehensive Tobacco Control Strategy

A plenary address to the 10th World Conference on Smoking or Health by Garfield Mahood I. BACKGROUND Thank you. Chairpersons, fellow speakers, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen (Slide 1). Thank you for the invitation to address this plenary session and the honour that this bestows. I have been asked to address the conference on legislation as a...