
Entries by admin

The Nexus Between Tobacco Manufacturers and Tobacco Retailers

The point-of-purchase is critical to tobacco sales. It is where the four Ps of a marketing plan—product, price, promotion, and place—unite and where, if successful, a shopper is converted into a buyer. Beginning in the early 1990s, as they faced growing restrictions on advertising and promotion, tobacco companies increasingly focused their attention and marketing...

Next Generation Products in Canada: An Update on Heated Tobacco

Earlier this year, the tobacco industry launched the first wave of next generation products (NGPs) onto the Canadian market. Unlike the United States, Canada does not require any kind of pre-market authorization prior to the introduction of new tobacco products. Last March Philip Morris International’s Canadian subsidiary, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges (RBH), launched iQOS,...

Proposals to Amend the Tobacco Reporting Regulations

The Non-Smokers’  Rights Association made recommendations about eight proposals regarding tobacco reporting put forward by Health Canada. href="" href=""title="proptoamend" src="" alt="proptoamend" width="569" height="757" />

, An Act to amend the Tobacco Act and the Non-smokers’ Health Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

The Non-Smokers’ Rights Association submitted 9 recommendations regarding Bill S-5 in February 2018. href="" href=""title="nsra-amends-s5" src="" alt="nsra-amends-s5" width="662" height="840" />

Philip Morris International and Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Philip Morris International (PMI) has declared that it would like smokers to stop smoking and is “designing a smoke-free future.” In September 2017 the creation of the “Foundation for a Smoke-Free World” (FSFW) was announced to “accelerate global efforts to reduce health impacts and deaths from smoking, with the goal of ultimately eliminating smoking...

Toward the Legalization and Regulation of Access to Marijuana

The NSRA does not purport to have expertise on marijuana itself; however, there are similarities between tobacco and marijuana, and in the case of co-use, there is direct overlap. As such, there are lessons to be learned from 40 years of regulating tobacco and its disease vector—the tobacco industry. Our main messages are as...

iQOS: Will This Really Change Everything?

Earlier this year, the tobacco industry launched the first wave of next generation products (NGPs) onto the Canadian market. Unlike the United States, Canada does not require any kind of pre-market authorization prior to the introduction of new tobacco products. Last March Philip Morris International’s Canadian subsidiary, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges (RBH),1 launched iQOS,...