This is a partial list of tobacco control groups and information sources.
Canadian Links 🇨🇦
Smoke-Free Housing Ontario
Smoke-Free Housing Ontario is helping increase options for smoke-free living. Demand for smoke-free environments is on the rise. Ontarians are protected from second-hand smoke in virtually all enclosed workplaces and public places, yet many remain unwillingly exposed in their own homes as a result of smoke from neighbouring units.
Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) is an Ontario-based research network and is a respected source of science-based information on tobacco control.
Action on Smoking & Health
Alberta-based ASH is an interesting Western Canadian success story in the NGO sector.
Alberta Tobacco Reduction Strategy
The Truth About Tobacco website by the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC) has lots of information about Alberta smoke-free bylaws and other interesting documentation.
Health Canada
The federal Department of Health now has a central index of its tobacco-related web documents—with lots of interesting facts and figures.
British Columbia Tobacco Strategy
British Columbia has taken the lead in efforts to denormalize the tobacco industry.
This list is not intended to be a complete list of tobacco control groups and information sources. Consult the National Clearinghouse site or one of the super sites for further links.
International Links
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization has recently made tobacco control one of its top priorities and is working on a Framework Convention on tobacco control.
Journal of Tobacco Control
The world’s first peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to tobacco control—must-read material, now available online in full text. (Free until March 2000.)
Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
After decades of tobacco control efforts, we’re still just scratching the surface of what nicotine and tobacco actually do to the human brain. The SRNT publishes fascinating material on the issue, including a new peer-reviewed journal.
Tobacco BBS
For up-to-the-minute information on tobacco news, especially in the United States, Gene Borio’s site is the place to go. Includes lots of interesting links as well.
Sites in Other Countries
Australia 🇦🇺
Australian Council on Smoking and Health
The Australians have led the world on several tobacco control issues, including how to deal with the thorny problem of sponsorships by tobacco companies.
ASH Australia
Hard-hitting information about the tobacco industry down under.
Brazil 🇧🇷
Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo
Though it doesn’t get much press in North America, Brazil has the largest tobacco-control coalition in the world (followed, incidentally, by Québec). This particular member organization, in the northeastern state of Ceará, is dedicated to the “health of smokers and ex-smokers.” But unlike most smokers’ groups, which are fronts for the tobacco industry, this one is for real. (In Portuguese.)
France 🇫🇷
Comité national contre le tabagisme (CNCT)
Despite the popular image of wine-drinking, Gitanes-smoking French café dwellers, France actually has relatively progressive policies on tobacco control, though enforcement is sometimes lax. The CNCT is working hard to improve matters.
Germany 🇩🇪
Netzwerk Nichtrauchen
Amongst major industrialized countries, Germany lags far behind in tobacco control efforts: vending machines and tobacco ads are everywhere. However, in recent years there have been some hopeful signs of progress. See also: Nichtraucher-Info, a newsletter published by Nichtraucher-Initiative Deutschland (in German only).
Great Britain 🇬🇧
ASH – Action on Smoking and Health
ASH UK, not to be confused with its namesakes in Alberta and elsewhere, publishes reams of fascinating documents on the tobacco industry’s misdeeds.
Thailand 🇹đź‡
Thailand Action on Smoking and Health Foundation
In the heart of Asia, one of the biggest growth areas for the tobacco industry, Thailand has been a beacon for public health efforts. (Lots in English.)
United States 🇺🇸
Centers for Disease Control
CDC, based in Atlanta, publishes regular information on tobacco and issues policy recommendations.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
One of the major US NGOs in tobacco control, which played a significant role in negotiations with the industry on civil liability. CTFK is particularly active in international issues.