Tobacco Industry Denormalization

Preventing Tobacco Industry Interference: A Critical Tobacco Control Intervention

The tobacco industry manufacturers and promotes a product that is highly addictive, kills half of its long-term users, and is responsible for other social harms, including increased poverty and environmental degradation. Tobacco companies have a long and well-documented history of lying to governments and the public about the health risks of their products; funding...

What Do the Smoke Folk Have in Common with Organized Crime? Or Taking the Normal out of an Industry that Kills

This report is dedicated to the more than one million Canadian mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters whose premature deaths were contributed to or caused by tobacco industry deception and to the young people who are committed to holding tobacco industry to account for these deaths. Download the Document

Backgrounder on the Canadian Tobacco Industry and Its Market (2006/07 edition)

The fourth edition of the Backgrounder on the Canadian Tobacco Industry and Its Market contains a new section on the National Smokeless Tobacco Company, as well as information about increased competition between the various companies in the ‘discount’ or ‘value-for-money’ cigarette product category. Download the Document