Youth & Tobacco

Waterpipe Smoking: Public health protection over traditional cultural practices

As more becomes known about the dangers of waterpipe (also known as hookah) smoking, both tobacco as well as other “herbal” concoctions, jurisdictions worldwide are responding with prohibitions in public places and workplaces. In Canada, concerns regarding insensitivity to long-standing cultural practices have been voiced in public discussions about the possible explicit inclusion of...

A Model ByLaw to Prohibit the Smoking of Tobacco or Other Weeds or Substances in Public Places and Workplaces

Waterpipe smoking is emerging as a chic new trend among young adults worldwide, including Ontario. The SmokeFree Ontario Act (SFOA) prohibits the smoking of “lighted” tobacco in enclosed public places and workplaces—other weeds or substances are beyond its jurisdiction. There is no definition of smoking in the SFOA. href=""

Tobacco-Free Campus Guide

Despite the overall success in recent decades of bringing down the smoking rate in Canada, the prevalence of smoking among young adults aged 20-24 remains higher than any other age demographic. Addressing tobacco use at the post-secondary level is critical–20% of Canadian young adults try their first cigarette after the age of 18, and...

Smoking in the Movies: A look at one of the tobacco industry’s most successful youth marketing strategies and what people are doing to fight back

Tobacco companies long ago mastered the art of innovation in advertising to sell their deadly and addictive products. For example, sports trading cards, which were extremely popular with teenagers, were included with a pack of cigarettes in the early 1900s. Today, Big Tobacco may be working to have their cigarettes placed in popular video...