Other Issues

Canada’s Federal Tobacco Control Strategy: Investing in Our Future

The Non-Smokers’ Rights Association is the longest-serving organization in Canada working in tobacco control. Started in 1974 by nurse Rosalie Berlin, the original goal of the organization was to protect non-smokers from the harms of involuntary exposure to second-hand smoke. Over the past 37 years, NSRA has evolved into a well-known and highly-respected national...

Population-Based Strategies for Controlling the Tobacco Epidemic Among Women

INTRODUCTION Patterns of tobacco use in developed countries have followed a predictable progression with regard to gender differences: smoking rates among men tend to increase and peak first, followed by increased smoking rates among women while men’s smoking rates decline. Men’s smoking rates also tend to peak at a higher level than women. Developing and more...

The Mythical Canadian Cigar Craze

“Cigars making a comeback ” – Now (BC Lower Mainland), Jan 96 “Stinky stogie gains SEX appeal” – The Ottawa Citizen, Jan 96 “ … cigar smoking, now making a comeback in Canada.” – The Financial Post Magazine, Jan 94 “Rehabilitation of the stogie” – The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon), Oct 96 “Two new clubs fire up cigar trend” – The Ottawa Citizen, Mar 97 Media in the past few years have reported an...

Legislation: A Key Component of a Comprehensive Tobacco Control Strategy

A plenary address to the 10th World Conference on Smoking or Health by Garfield Mahood I. BACKGROUND Thank you. Chairpersons, fellow speakers, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen (Slide 1). Thank you for the invitation to address this plenary session and the honour that this bestows. I have been asked to address the conference on legislation as a...