Bill 1725, To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 709, Smoking, to regulate and prohibit smoking at entrances and exits to public buildings and to repeal certain Articles. Bill 1726, To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 608, Parks, to prohibit smoking in and around certain facilities within City parks.
Toronto City Council has approved the Board of Health recommendation to expand secondhand smoke exposure protection in outdoor public spaces. The new Smoke-Free Bylaw will come into effect in 2014, but no specific date has been announced. Under the bylaw, smoking is prohibited: within 9 m of public building entrances and exits (public buildings include municipal buildings (Civic Centres, City Hall, libraries) shopping malls and office buildings and multi-residential buildings (condo and apartment towers) that can be accessed by the public); within 9 metres of a sports field while in use for a City of Toronto recreation program or a sport/activity that requires a permit; at a swimming beach; at certain park amenities, including skateboard or BMX parks, ski hills, outdoor swimming pools or decks, covered picnic shelters or gazebo, theatre spaces in City parks; and in waiting areas or service lines for the Toronto Island Ferry Service.
Products Included
Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes
SMOKE OR SMOKING – Includes the carrying of a lighted cigar or cigarette, pipe or any other lighted material. PUBLIC BUILDING – An enclosed building to which the public and employees generally have access including (a) places of employment; and (b) condominium buildings, apartment buildings and other similar residential buildings that are generally accessible to the public.
Places Smoking Prohibited
Doorways, air intakes, operable windows
Sports and Recreational Fields and Facilities
Buffer Zones
Doorways, Air Intakes and Operable Windows – Buffer Zone 1-10 m
Sports and Recreational Fields and Facilities – Buffer Zone 1-10 m
Policy Analysis
This is considered a leading edge bylaw because it prohibits smoking on beaches where swimming is allowed and within a 9 m radius of all buildings to which the public and employees have access, including condominium buildings, apartment buildings and other similar residential buildings.
Some of these new amendments may not be easily self-enforcing since they are very specific. For example, it will be confusing to the public that they cannot smoke within 9 m of a sports field while it is being used for a City of Toronto recreation program or sporting activity, but they can smoke when friends just get together for fun.
Date Passed: November 13, 2013
Date in Force: July 1, 2014
Leading Edge: Yes
Level of Government: Municipal
Smoke-free Ontario Act Status: Exceeds Smoke-free Ontario Act
Bylaw Under Development? No