Bylaw No. 9312,9334,9338 The Smoking Control Amendment Bylaw, 2015

Bylaw No. 9312,9334,9338 The Smoking Control Amendment Bylaw, 2015

This bylaw prohibits smoking and the use of e-cigarettes on property owned and operated by the City, e.g., parks, playgrounds and recreation fields and facilities, as well as public squares and golf courses. It also prohibits the use of e-cigarettes within 3 m of all buildings to which the public has access. The use of electronic cigarettes is prohibited in all places where smoking is currently prohibited, including all workplaces and public places.

The amended bylaw allows a person to test an e-cigarette or sample related products before purchase from a retail shop.

In addition to signage, the City is undertaking a public awareness campaign, including coverage on news media, pamphlets, social media and information packages.

Products Included

Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Electronic Smoking Devices


“Electronic cigarette” means a handheld device containing a liquid that is vapourized and inhaled, and includes but is not limited to electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapourizer cigarettes, personal vapourizers and electronic nicotine delivery systems;

“Electronic cigarettes retailer” means a fully enclosed premises where the sole function of the premises is the sale of electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarette products, and for which a valid City business licence has been issued pursuant to Bylaw No. 8075, The Business License Bylaw, 2002;

“Outdoor public place” means any outdoor space owned or operated by the City of Saskatoon that is open to the public or to which the public is customarily admitted or invited, and includes parks, swimming pools, playgrounds, outdoor sports-fields, public squares or recreation areas, but does not include streets or sidewalks;

“Tobacco” means tobacco in any form in which it is used or consumed and includes snuff and raw leaf tobacco, but does not include any food, drug or device that contains nicotine to which the Food and Drugs Act (Canada) applies;

“Vape or vaping” means the utilization of an electronic cigarette or any other heated smoking equipment used to vaporize any tobacco or non-tobacco substance whether or not it contains nicotine.

Places Smoking Prohibited

Doorways, air intakes, operable windows
Golf Courses
Transit Shelters/Stops

Buffer Zones

Doorways, Air Intakes and Operable Windows – Buffer Zone 1-10 m

Policy Analysis

This bylaw is leading edge because it prohibits the use of all tobacco products and e-cigarettes indoors and outdoors wherever smoking is prohibited. It also prohibits all tobacco and e-cigarette use within 9 m of the doorways to municipal buildings.

Date Passed: August 20, 2015

Date in Force: January 1, 2016

Date Last Amended:

Leading Edge: Yes

Level of Government: Municipal

Smoke-free Ontario Act Status: Exceeds Smoke-free Ontario Act

Bylaw Under Development? No