No person shall smoke or hold lighted tobacco or use tobacco products, or use electronic cigarette devices and smoking products on municipal property (Complexe J.R. Brisson Complex and Centre Paul-Émile Lévesque), municipal buildings, municipal facilities and park or recreational areas.
The bylaw provides for designated smoking areas outside the sports complexes (as per Schedule “C”).
Products Included
Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Electronic Smoking Devices, Other Tobacco Products, Other Weeds and Substances, Waterpipes
“Parks and Recreation Areas” means any parcel of land, building, swimming pool or structure, owned, rented, installed or maintained by the Corporation of the Village of Casselman and/or South Nation River Conservation Authority and land designated and used as a playground, sports centre, foot path, pathway, skate board (sic) or any type of active or passive public recreation.
“Tobacco product” means a cigarette, cigarillo, cigar, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or snuff.
“Electronic cigarette” means a cigarette-shaped device containing a liquid that is vaporized and inhaled.
“Smoking product” means tobacco or a tobacco-like product whose primary purpose is to burn or heated (sic), to produce vapors, gases, or smokes (sic), which are inhaled, and shall include but is not limited to non-tobacco herbal shisha, and plant material or oils intended for inhalation.
Places Smoking Prohibited
E-cigarettes (indoors)
E-cigarettes (outdoors)
Municipal Property
Playgrounds, which may include Splash Pads and Wading Pools
Sports and Recreational Fields and Facilities
Waterpipes (indoors)
Waterpipes (outdoors)
Policy Analysis
This bylaw is considered leading edge by virtue of its comprehensive definition of smoking that includes other tobacco products, e-cigarettes, waterpipes as well as other weeds and substances.
Smoking is prohibited indoors and out on municipal property, although the bylaw does permit designated smoking areas
Date Passed: May 10, 2016
Date in Force: May 10, 2016
Date Last Amended:
Leading Edge: Yes
Level of Government: Municipal
Smoke-free Ontario Act Status: Exceeds Smoke-free Ontario Act
Bylaw Under Development? No