
Bylaw 2054, City of Merritt Parks Regulation Bylaw 2054, 2008 (Consolidated version)

This bylaw includes amendments made by Bylaw 2211, 2016 which were passed 12 July 2016. No person shall smoke at or in a park. Products Included Cannabis, Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Electronic Smoking Devices, Other Weeds and Substances, Waterpipes Definitions “Smoke or Smoking” means to inhale, exhale, burn, or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar pipe, hookah pipe, electronic cigarette, or...

Bylaw 96-2016, Being a Bylaw to Prohibit Smoking in Public Places Within the Town of Kingsville

This bylaw repeals bylaw 23-2015. No person shall smoke or use smokeless tobacco in any public place or within 9 m of any entrance or exit of any building or structure under the control, supervision, ownership and/or operation of the Town.   Products Included Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Electronic Smoking Devices, Other Tobacco Products, Other Weeds and Substances, Waterpipes Definitions “Smoking”...

By-Law #2015-36, Being a By-Law to prohibit smoking at any township facility and to repeal By-law #2012-15

This Bylaw prohibits smoking (including all e-smoking devices and waterpipes) on all property owned or leased by the Township, including recreation facilities, parks/playgrounds, sports fields, offices, fire hall properties, and public works yards. Products Included Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Electronic Smoking Devices, Other Weeds and Substances, Waterpipes Definitions “Smoke or Smoking” includes the carrying of a lighted or heated...

By-law Number 2014-60, Being a bylaw to prohibit Smoking and the Use of Smokeless Tobacco in all public parks, sports fields and outdoor recreation facilities, and within nine (9) metres of a transit stop or any entrance of any building or structure under the control, supervision, ownership and/or operation of The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh (aka The Smoke-free Outdoor Spaces By-law)

The bylaw prohibits smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco in public parks, sports fields and outdoor recreation facilities and within 9 metres of a transit stop or any entrance of buildings operated by the Town. There is no mention of air intakes or operable windows in the bylaw. By virtue of the definitions...